How to Make a Video from PowerPoint?

Written by: Bill Whitman

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How to Make a Video from PowerPoint?

How to Make a Video from PowerPoint

Creating a video from a PowerPoint presentation is a straightforward process that transforms slides into engaging content suitable for sharing or presentation without the need for PowerPoint software. This guide will walk you through the steps to convert your PowerPoint presentation into a video format, enabling you to reach a broader audience on platforms where video content is king.

Quick summary

  • Save your PowerPoint presentation as a video directly from the software.
  • Choose between Full HD, HD, or Standard video quality.
  • Add recorded timings and narrations to enhance the video content.
  • Select slides to include in the video or use the entire presentation.
  • Share or present your video across various platforms without PowerPoint dependencies.

At, we are committed to helping you leverage PowerPoint to its fullest. Follow our trusted advice to transform your presentations into videos effortlessly.

Step-by-Step Guide to Converting PowerPoint Presentations into Videos

Turning your PowerPoint presentations into videos can be achieved in a few simple steps. Here is how you can do it:

  1. Open your PowerPoint presentation: Ensure that your presentation is final and ready to be converted into a video format.
  2. Click on ‘File’: Once your presentation is open, navigate to the ‘File’ tab in the upper-left corner of the screen.
  3. Select ‘Export’: Under the ‘File’ menu, you will find the ‘Export’ option. Click on it to proceed.
  4. Choose ‘Create a Video’: In the ‘Export’ menu, select the ‘Create a Video’ option. This action will prompt you with video quality and timing options.
  5. Set video quality: Decide on the quality of the video. Options typically include Full HD (1080p), HD (720p), and Standard (480p). Higher quality means larger file sizes.
  6. Record timings and narrations (optional): If you wish to include narrations or have specific timings for your slides, you can record these. Alternatively, you can use the default timings.
  7. Save the video: Once all settings are configured, click on the ‘Create Video’ button. You will be prompted to choose a save location for your video file and to give it a name.

After completing these steps, PowerPoint will begin converting your presentation into a video file. This process may take a few minutes, depending on the length of your presentation and the chosen video quality.

Enhancing Your Video

To make your video more engaging, consider adding voice narrations or custom timings for slides. This can be done from the ‘Record Slide Show’ option under the ‘Slide Show’ tab before starting the video conversion process. You can also embed videos or animations within your slides for a more dynamic presentation.

Sharing Your Video

Once your video is created, it’s ready to be shared with your audience. You can upload it to video-sharing platforms, embed it in websites, or share it directly via email or social media. Making your presentation into a video expands the possibilities for where and how you can share your content, reaching audiences that prefer video over traditional slide presentations.

At, we believe that turning your PowerPoint presentations into videos not only enhances the accessibility of your content but also provides a more versatile way to engage with your audience. Follow our step-by-step guide to create compelling video content from your PowerPoint presentations, and embrace new ways to share your ideas and insights.

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