How to Recover an Unsaved PowerPoint?

Written by: Bill Whitman

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How to Recover an Unsaved PowerPoint?

Recovering an Unsaved PowerPoint Presentation

Losing an unsaved PowerPoint presentation can be frustrating. Whether it happened due to a sudden shutdown, crash, or simply forgetting to save your work, there are several methods to recover your unsaved PowerPoint file. One effective way is by using the AutoRecover feature in PowerPoint, which automatically saves a backup copy of your presentations at a set interval. Additionally, checking the Temporary Files folder on your computer can also yield potential recovery options. Here at, we provide you with trusted advice on how to navigate this issue effectively.

Quick summary

  • Use the AutoRecover feature in PowerPoint to recover unsaved files.
  • Check the Temporary Files folder for backups of your presentation.
  • Utilize Document Recovery to restore unsaved changes when PowerPoint restarts after a crash.

Step-by-Step Guide to Recover Unsaved PowerPoint Presentations

Using AutoRecover to Retrieve Your Presentation

AutoRecover is a feature designed to protect your work in case of a power outage or crash. To recover your unsaved presentations through AutoRecover, follow these steps:

  1. Open PowerPoint and navigate to File > Open.
  2. Click on Recover Unsaved Presentations at the bottom of the menu.
  3. Select the presentation you wish to recover and click Open.

Remember, AutoRecover needs to be enabled in the settings for this to work. You can verify or adjust the settings by going to File > Options > Save and ensuring that the AutoRecover option is checked.

Finding Your Presentation in Temporary Files

Sometimes, your unsaved work might end up in the Temporary Files folder. Here’s how to access it:

  1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing Windows key + R.
  2. Type %temp% into the box and press Enter. This will open the Temporary Files folder.
  3. Look for files with a .ppt extension or a similar name to your lost presentation.
  4. If you find a relevant file, open it with PowerPoint and save it immediately.

Utilizing Document Recovery

If PowerPoint crashes or shuts down unexpectedly, the Document Recovery pane might appear when you restart the program. This pane displays any recovered files. Simply click on the file you wish to recover, then save it promptly.

Tips for Preventing Future Loss

To minimize the chances of losing important presentations in the future:

  • Enable AutoSave if you are using PowerPoint for Microsoft 365.
  • Regularly save your work by pressing Ctrl + S.
  • Adjust the AutoRecover interval to a shorter time frame to ensure more frequent automatic saves.

At, our trusted advice aims to not only help you recover your unsaved PowerPoint presentations but also to educate you on measures to prevent similar issues. Remember, regular saves and taking advantage of PowerPoint’s built-in recovery features can significantly decrease the risk of losing your precious work.


Recovering an unsaved PowerPoint presentation is usually manageable with the right steps. Whether through the AutoRecover feature, checking the Temporary Files, or using Document Recovery, it’s often possible to retrieve your work. By following the advice provided by and enabling preventive measures like AutoSave and regular saving habits, you can safeguard your presentations against future losses.

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