How to Add Speaker Notes in PowerPoint?

Written by: Bill Whitman

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How to Add Speaker Notes in PowerPoint?

How to Add Speaker Notes in PowerPoint

Adding speaker notes in PowerPoint is crucial for delivering effective presentations. These notes can guide you through your presentation smoothly, ensuring you cover all key points without cluttering your slides.

Category: PowerPoint Tutorials

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Open Your Presentation

Start by opening your PowerPoint presentation and navigating to the slide where you want to add notes.

2. Find the Notes Pane

Below the slide area, you’ll see a section labeled ‘Click to add notes’. Click inside this box to start typing your notes. If you don’t see this section, simply click on ‘Notes’ at the bottom of the PowerPoint window to toggle the visibility of the notes pane.

3. Enter Your Speaker Notes

Type your notes directly into the notes pane. Remember, these are for your reference during the presentation and won’t be visible to the audience. You can use bullet points, numbered lists, or plain text as per your preference.

4. Review and Save

After entering your notes, review them to make sure they are clear and concise. Save your PowerPoint file to ensure all your notes are stored.

Pro Tips

  • Keep your notes concise to aid quick references during presentations.
  • Use bullet points in your speaker notes to break information into easily digestible pieces.
  • Practice your presentation with the speaker notes to ensure smooth delivery.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Issue Solution
Notes not showing during the presentation Ensure you are in Presenter View to see your notes while presenting.
Text formatting issues in notes Use the basic formatting tools above the notes pane to adjust the appearance of your notes.

Advanced Techniques

  • Customize the Notes Master: Change the default layout and format of your speaker notes by modifying the Notes Master from the View tab.
  • Insert Objects: Enhance your speaker notes by adding images, charts, or even links to other slides within your notes for quick reference.

Compatibility Notes

Speaker notes are supported across all versions of PowerPoint. However, the visibility and editing features can vary slightly between different releases. Always ensure your version is updated for the best experience.


Mastering the use of speaker notes in PowerPoint can greatly enhance your presentation skills. Explore more features on to elevate your PowerPoint proficiency.


Q: Can I see speaker notes on my phone while presenting?
A: Yes, use the PowerPoint app on your smartphone to access notes while presenting on another screen.
Q: Are speaker notes included when I share the presentation?
A: No, speaker notes are not visible to viewers unless you explicitly share them or use Presenter View during a shared screen session.
Q: How can I print my speaker notes?
A: Under the File tab, select Print and choose ‘Print Layout’ to include speaker notes below each slide.

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