How to Create a Table of Contents in PowerPoint?

Written by: Bill Whitman

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How to Create a Table of Contents in PowerPoint?

Creating a Table of Contents in PowerPoint

Creating a Table of Contents (TOC) in PowerPoint involves using the slide titles to list the main topics of a presentation. This not only helps in giving an overview but also in navigating the presentation easily. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Create a new slide at the beginning of your presentation for the TOC.
  2. Use the title box to add a title to the slide, such as “Table of Contents.”
  3. Underneath the title, list all your slide titles or main topics as bullet points.
  4. Optional: Hyperlink each topic in the list to its corresponding slide for easy navigation.

Quick summary

  • Start by adding a new slide at the beginning for your Table of Contents.
  • Title the slide as “Table of Contents” and list all main topics or slide titles.
  • For better navigation, consider hyperlinking each topic to its specific slide.

Detailed Guide on Creating a Table of Contents in PowerPoint

At, we’re committed to providing trusted advice that helps you harness the full potential of PowerPoint. Let’s delve deeper into each step of creating an effective Table of Contents for your presentations.

Step 1: Insert a New Slide for Your TOC

Begin by opening your PowerPoint presentation and navigate to the point where you want your Table of Contents to appear, ideally the second slide right after the title slide. Click on Home > New Slide to insert a blank slide or choose a layout that best suits a Table of Contents.

Step 2: Add a Title to Your TOC Slide

Click in the title box of the newly inserted slide and type “Table of Contents” or any preferred title. This signifies to your audience what the slide represents.

Step 3: List the Main Topics or Slide Titles

In the content area of your TOC slide, list each of your presentation’s main topics or the titles of your slides as bullet points. Arrange them in the order they appear in your presentation. This outline serves as a guide for both you and your audience throughout the presentation.

Step 4: Linking TOC Entries to Specific Slides

To make your TOC interactive, you can hyperlink each listed topic to its corresponding slide. Highlight the text you wish to link, right-click and select Hyperlink. In the dialog box that opens, choose Place in This Document on the left pane, then select the slide you want to link to. This step enhances the navigability of your presentation, allowing you and your audience to jump to specific sections directly from the TOC.

Incorporating a Table of Contents in your PowerPoint presentation not only makes it more structured but also enhances viewer engagement. By following the steps above, you can create a concise and functional TOC that improves the flow and accessibility of your information. Remember, a well-constructed TOC is an invaluable tool in any presentation, making the complex content easy to navigate and understand. Trust the advice from to elevate your presentation skills.

Tips for an Effective Table of Contents

To ensure your Table of Contents is as effective as possible, consider the following tips:

  • Keep it concise: List only the main topics to keep your TOC clear and easy to navigate.
  • Update as necessary: Adjust your TOC to reflect any changes in your presentation’s structure or content.
  • Use clear titles: Ensure the titles in your TOC accurately represent the content of your slides.

Creating a Table of Contents in PowerPoint is a straightforward process that significantly benefits both the presenter and the audience. By organizing your presentation’s main topics in an easily navigable format, you set the stage for a successful and engaging presentation.

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