How to Reduce PowerPoint File Size?

Written by: Bill Whitman

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How to Reduce PowerPoint File Size?

How to Reduce PowerPoint File Size

To reduce PowerPoint file size, compress images, remove unnecessary fonts, save your presentation in PPTX format, use external links for videos, and compress the file. This approach ensures your PowerPoint presentations maintain their quality while being more manageable for sharing and storage.

Quick summary

  • Compress images within your PowerPoint.
  • Remove unneeded fonts and media.
  • Save in the newer PPTX format for better compression.
  • Link to videos externally instead of embedding them.
  • Use PowerPoint’s built-in compress feature.

At, we understand the importance of maintaining the quality of your presentation while ensuring its file size is manageable. Here’s everything you need to know to effectively reduce your PowerPoint file size without sacrificing its integrity.

Compress Images

High-resolution images contribute significantly to file size. To compress images in PowerPoint, right-click the image, select ‘Format Picture,’ then choose ‘Compress Pictures.’ Opt for ‘Apply to this picture only’ if you want to compress a single image, or select ‘All pictures in the document’ for a global reduction. Choose a lower resolution if the presentation is to be viewed on screen.

Remove Unneeded Fonts and Media

Custom fonts and unused media can inflate your file size. Remove any fonts that aren’t essential to your presentation. Also, delete audio clips, videos, and pictures that don’t add value. Remember, PowerPoint adds to the file size for each font and media file embedded, so only keep what’s necessary.

Save in PPTX Format

Saving your file as PPTX, the default format for PowerPoint 2007 and later versions, instead of the older PPT format, can significantly reduce its size. The PPTX format uses ZIP compression, making the overall file smaller without losing quality.

Use External Links for Videos

Embedding videos directly into your PowerPoint presentation can drastically increase file size. Instead, upload the video to a platform like YouTube or Vimeo and insert a link in your presentation. This way, you can still show your video during the presentation without bloating your file size.

Compress Your PowerPoint File

After following the above steps, you can further reduce your PowerPoint file size by using the built-in compression feature. Go to ‘File’ > ‘Save As’ and choose ‘Tools’ next to the ‘Save’ button. Select ‘Compress Pictures’ and again, choose the resolution that matches your needs. Also, consider using the ‘Reduce File Size’ option for an even smaller file.

By following these trusted tips from, you can effectively reduce your PowerPoint file size, making your presentations easier to share and manage without losing the essence of your work. Remember, a smaller file size ensures your presentation is accessible and can be easily distributed to your audience, whether by email, through cloud storage, or on a USB drive.

Bill Whitman from Learn PowerPoint

I'm Bill Whitman, the founder of, where I combine my passion for education with my deep expertise in technology. With a background in technology writing, I excel at breaking down complex topics into understandable and engaging content. I'm dedicated to helping others master Microsoft Powerpoint and constantly exploring new ways to make learning accessible to everyone.

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